Cobos 5.5.2 Release Notes
Use the upgraded RPG Converter
The already functioning RPG Converter has been tweaked so that it provides better and more accurate code transformations. With these updates and corrections you will be able to easily understand converted code and have a better fresh start!
Readability improved on messages displayed
Messages embedded in the emulator in Cobos have been reworked to give more information faster to users through savf. Try it yourself and give us feedback.
Find an improved TN5250 terminal for Japanese characters
This terminal is fully compatible with Japanese code page and enables easy browsing
Discover the new tool : iNavigator
Using the iNavigator you will be able to browse any IMBi libraries and use its content to its fullest potential. In order to do so you will need to connect to the IBMi of your choice and load desired libraries.
Then you will be able to create, modify, delete, upload any libraries, members and files and also filter them.
Once you have made all changes that suit you will be able to compile files into modules and programs to use them on your IBMi. For that our RPG and COBOL editors will help you write code easily.
Learn a new way to compile your IBM i programs
With the help of the iNavigator presented earlier, you will access a whole new world of compilations. You can still use the 5.4 way to compile but now, you can compile files directly on your IBMi. You can then make modules, service programs and bind all that into fully executable programs.
As always the Eclipse problem view will be filled in with errors and warnings that represent all that you would have written in your codes. The compilation supports RPG and COBOL but also parts of C and several others.
The new error system also works with binding modules since any missing functions will be caught and, by clicking on them, you will be redirected to the corresponding sysout.
Experience full COBOL development
With this new release, as Cobos makes it possible in the IBM z/OS environment since 2009, you will be able to code in COBOL and have several tools to help you do it on the IBM i.
On the IBMi systems, Cobos will provide all required tools to make your COBOL journey as easy as possible.
Take the time to experience our COBOL environment and its DevOps capabilities for the IBM i.
Do not forget our previouses tools
In the past years we developed and released several important tool such as the RPG Converter, the Traffic Player or the TN5250 terminal. Find all of them in their respective release notes right here.
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With which version of Eclipse Cobos 5.5.2 is it compatible ?
Starting with Eclipse Neon (4.8)
I would like to know if Cobos is compatible with the latest versions of Eclipse.
And also with Open JDK 11.
I can’t find this information on the release not.
Do yo a compatibility matrix of the Cobos versions ?
it could be useful for all customers.