Cobos 5.2 Release Notes
Release 5.2.0 [2021-12-17]
RPG Converter
- Conversion from RPG IV to Free-Form (i.e. RPGLE and/or SQLRPGLE source files)
- Conversion Options :
- 2 types of conversion :
- Free and/or Mixed (if there is non convertible code)
- Fully-Free (if every line is convertible)
- Indentation increment
- 2 types of conversion :
- Details on conversion :
- Every specification (H, F, D, C, P) is converted
- I and O specifications are not supported in Free and therefore are not converted
- Key Lists are converted
- Parm Lists are converted
- Empty comment lines stay
- Declarations of Data Structures (DS) are indented
- Case type conversion is as following for operation codes :
- First character in upper case
- Rest of the code in lower case
- Compilation directives /FREE and /END-FREE are removed
- Declarations of variables in C specification are transfered into D specification
- Non printable characters are removed
- Instruction *ENTRY PLIST is replaced by its equivalent in Free-Form (prototyped interface)
Before conversion:

After conversion:

Traffic Player
- Traffic Player is a Telnet flow recorder
- Allowing the development and testing of applications requiring a screen-type resource without requiring the Mainframe
- Allowing to replay the recorded trace
- Compatible with all Telnet streams (TN3270, TN5250, …)

This release also solves the following bugs:
- 00785 – Cobos4i Designer: Popup settings (#0101982)
- 00786 – Cobos4i Designer: IBM i Program Name length (#0101983)