Release Notes Cobos 3.6

 In blog, Release Notes

Release 3.6.0 [2015-04-13]

Improvements in this version:
  • First release (in beta) for Linux platforms (NB: in this Linux distribution, the je3270 and local compilation features are NOT available).
  • Z/Navigator: optimization of the import of PDS members (added filters and provides a faster import).
  • COBOL IDE: add “Toggle Comment” action (like in the java editor).
  • COBOL IDE: extend functionality “Open Declaration” to literal strings. Opening a subprogram source is therefore possible (the subprograms should be located in your project folder).
  • Optional Check Syntax upon save in background.
  • JCL Editor: possible JCL submission without .cobos file.
  • je3270: upgrade to version 3.3.15 of wc3270.
  • CVS is no longer exposed to the Cobos perspective.
  • The parsing of COBOL compiler sysout supports now any type of preprocessing (since Cobos 3.5.1):
    If the source code has been expanded before the compilation step, Cobos computes the right place for the messages in the original source code.
This release solves the following bugs:

– 5029 – je3270: some definitions of the keymap do not work.
– 5312 – COBOL IDE: outline empty if no ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.
– 5344 – COBOL IDE: UTF-8 encoding support.
– (Cobos 3.5.3) 5343 – Some Eclipse contextual menu items are missing after Cobos installation.
– (Cobos 3.5.2) 5339 – Z/Navigator: Refresh huge PDS (more than 10000 members) uses 100% CPU and takes very long time.
– (Cobos 3.5.1) 5300 – Revision Tag option: the ruler in 72th position is moved to 78th position.