RPG Editor

Navigate and edit your RPG source code easily: Cobos offers a RPG Editor with syntactic coloration, syntax checking and outline view update on the fly, content assist and code templates proposal in the full respect of eclipse ergonomics.

Eclipse distribution

No need to struggle with Eclipse issues: Metrixware Systemobjects can provide upon request a complete Eclipse distribution with Cobos preinstalled and a preconfigured workspace.

Remote compilation

Launch compilation from eclipse: After checking the syntactic correctness of your program, you launch the compilation on the targeted host from Cobos and you get the sysout directly on the workstation.
Configure the settings once: thanks to its Commands interface technology, you prepare the compilation form with the values ​​that suit you.
Launch your own compilation procedures: Although Cobos provides a very efficient compilation process, integrating your existing procedures into Cobos is usually a good idea.

Supported compilers: RPG, COBOL, DDS

Save time of listing analysis : Cobos do it for you. Cobos knows the structure of COBOL/400, COBOL/LE, RPG/400, RPG/LE and DDS compilation listings and displays the compilation messages in the Problems view linked to source code and listing file.

Smart Application generation

Develop applications once using RPG or COBOL and use them everywhere! “Cobos4i Generator” let you generate powerful aplications for web browser and mobile devices.
Add your own automatizations to Cobos: The command interface is public and allows you to easily add your own commands to Cobos.
Enhance an automatically generated project: Convert a Cobos4i Generator project into a Cobos4i Designer project, giving you the opportunity to add more complex features to a classic Cobos4i Generator application.


Cobos4i emulator

Save your paying emulators: We believe that the basic access to the mainframe is still the 5250 emulator and will remain for a long time. That is why Cobos offers an practical and integrated 5250 emulator into Eclipse.

FTP4i access

Forget the SEU pains: Navigate in your mainframe files and manage them directly from Eclipse. Cobos implements your best practices and allows you to work comfortably.

Obviously, you benefit from Cobos Essentials and Cobos Standard features

You can find them right here and here