Cobos Essentials


Integrated into Eclipse, the industry standard , the Cobos COBOL Editor, accompanied by his Outline view, brings easy navigation through your programs, viewing the code with a smart and configurable syntax highlighting , finding all references to a variable. And a lot of usefull functions derivated from the eclipse framework.

Buying Cobos Essentials version, you will have during one year the right-of-use license and the technical support, maintenance and software ugprades.



Right-of-use License during one year including technical support, maintenance and software ugprades.

The downloaded resource files can be used as described below:

– Cobos_Workspace: preconfigured resources for the “Quickstart”
– Products: Cobos and third-party plug-ins
– Cobos_Quickstart.pdf: quick start user guide
– Cobos_DemoReadme.txt: this readme file
– releaseNotes.txt: name says it all

Installation instructions are in the Cobos Quickstart guide.
Additional useful information will be found in Eclipse Help contents.
For further information, feel free to contact us at


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